Gamingtec Education Foundation is a great opportunity for all employees of the company to win a fully paid training course in any field of human activity. We hold GEF cycles twice per year, and we are ready to announce the winning project.
The corporate educational initiative was launched at Gamingtec three years ago to encourage employees to study something new or try an inspirational hobby. It allows our employees to develop skills and achieve ambitious goals. This time fourteen applicants took part in the cycle and ten of them passed the first sift. Five judges chose the most brilliant idea without knowing the names of the applicants and assessed creativity and the method of presentation.
The applications were great: we discovered that Gamingtec employees would like to try DJ Academy, piano lessons, vocal training and acting. Some applicants wanted to upgrade professional skills and study a new field such as risk management, digital marketing, game design and product management. We also have people on our team who are interested in interior design and learning foreign languages.
The idea that won the prize was…dubbing! The name of the winner was announced after the secret vote. The company will pay the full cost of the course for Anna Yerastova, Designer at Gamingtec. ‘I was surprised that my idea was selected as the best application. I would like to undertake this challenge because I do not feel comfortable when I need to make a public speech or talk to a lot of people. I think dubbing is a training that can help me to overcome these difficulties’, she said.
Congratulations to the winner! Our team wishes you good luck, and we hope you enjoy studying and make a successful debut in filmmaking! Looking forward to seeing a new star!