Christmas and New Year are coming and Secret Santa has already left a message to Gamingtec team. We are preparing gifts, decorating a Christmas Tree and waiting for a party. That is why we decided to share a few tips on how to create a holiday atmosphere in the office. Check it out!
If you want to hold a warm and magic holiday, focus on the wins of your team and welcome new members. Staffing up and achieving goals are the main points that show you are going the right way. Set up a holiday company-wide meeting to take stock of successful accomplishments and propose new initiatives. Keep the team inspired and set ambitious goals.
Think about great surprises, as well. We like to organize a legendary Secret Santa game in Gamingtec office, maybe your team will be happy to try it, too. Let`s refresh its rules.
Participants place their names in the box on pieces of paper, mix them up and select one from the box. The name written on the paper they have chosen should be kept in secret. The funniest part comes then: choosing, buying, and packing gifts. On the chosen day, participants leave prepared gifts near the Christmas Tree and everyone looks for the one addressed to them.
The main rule of Secret Santa is to let yourself be a child again while looking for gifts: be creative, humorous, kind, and tricky a bit. It is not a good idea to give money or gift cards, to buy clothes or office supplies. On the contrary, think about personal and cute presents, little things that in most cases people do not afford themselves to buy.
Secret Santa brings the spirit of fun and joy in the office. It is a nice opportunity to spend time with the whole team on a positive note, to have a break from annual reports and half-completed tasks.

What else do we do to feel the holiday spirit? We lavish our team with hot chocolate, our kitchen is decorated with twinkle lights, and the Christmas tree is placed in the hall. We have invited already everyone to join our New Year party meeting with one tiny condition — to add a “sparkling element” to a look. We are ready for a great celebration and feel proud about one more year of a successful Gamingtec history.